Back in action

It’s been a long time since I blogged. Remember reading how I wasn’t sure if I was going to keep blogging? I guess this long hiatus speaks for itself. However, I’ve always meant to get back on the horse. I’ve got a new saddle, a new look, and feel inspired. It is spring, after all,…

Stayin’ alive

I feel like it might be time for my seasonal I’m still alive post in which I apologize profusely for being a slacker and not posting anything new on my blog. I’ve gone through a period of dithering about whether or not I want to continue blogging, as I’ve decluttered my online life.  After a…

Reasons I heart spring

I can finally stop complaining about snow. I can finally start complaining about my rubbery raking arms. Daylight dazzles until later in the evening. Cars stay clean longer than one kilometre. No more scraping! Or shovelling! Barbecues perfume the air, tinged with the odour of burning meat and sodium nitrate. Plants peek through the soil,…

Heart bursting loveliness. Yes, spring.

There’s a reason why Canadians don’t move to Hawaii enmasse: spring is a glorious, fresh kiss of life after a long winter. Without the howling bitterness of January (and even March this year), we wouldn’t get to appreciate how frigging amazing spring is. Today has been our first real taste of warm weather. I walked…

I can almost smell it.

These days, I’m still a bit bored, because there simply isn’t enough teaching to keep me occupied every day of the week. However, now that spring is creeping up on the snowy lawns and fields, I’m bored, but with more sun and robins. Tonight will be the first I get to sleep in a bed…

B#%&@, b#%&@, b#%&@

For those of you who regularly read my blog (all two of you), you’ve probably noticed that most of my posts involve me bi$@hing and complaining about the winter weather. And as someone who willingly chooses to live in Canada because I love my surroundings and the concept of four seasons, I should be the…

Sunday snooze in

I have a strong suspicion I’m the only Canadian who did not rise early to watch the men’s gold medal hockey game between Canada and some Scandinavian country. It was a gripping battle between two socialist countries and I did what I did best: I slept in. For one, I’m not entirely sure the game…

Stormy Wednesdays continue

For those of you living on the East Coast, you know that Wednesdays are for storms. Most Wednesdays, schools are closed due to apocalyptic winter conditions. In terms of being a substitute teacher, it means another day I don’t get paid. (There are a lot of those.) Apparently, spring is still coming. I haven’t heard…

Wednesday is now officially known as Dump Day

For the billionth Wednesday this winter (I’m only barely exaggerating), it has snowed. Hard. The plow hasn’t gone past my house in hours, and I’m pretty certain we’re all going to die. In reality, I’m more likely to die from house cleaning. Most normal people houseclean in either spring and/or fall. But of course, I’m…

Whoever is praying for snow needs to stop real soon

It’s another snowy day in the neighbourhood. This means several things. 1) I didn’t get out of my jammies until 12:30 2) I had no school today, thus no work, thus no pay (not that it matters anyway, because I haven’t had a single sub day in January) 3) I spent my entire afternoon on…

Monday mashup

In no particular order, here’s what’s happening in my little world. Biking / I have been loving my lil hawg, a $60 stationary bike from Canadian Tire. So far I’m up to 6 kilometres in about 16 minutes. I’m not exactly ready for the Tour de France, but it’s a nice little workout to wake…

Resolutions, Version 2.0

It’s that time again. Time to make resolutions that will last until the first Chinese buffet. I don’t have many resolutions. Probably because I’ve never really kept to any, even though, this time of year, I often: stare at the wall of vitamins at the grocery store until I bring home bottles that often expire…